

A single-spa helper library which provides lifecycle events for building single-spa applications using Backbone.

npm Package License

There are mostly three styles of creating backbone applications

  1. Using RequireJS which will loads the application and all it's dependencies, including the templates loaded using Handlebars, RequireJS:Text or any other engine.

    If your application is written using this style, then you will have to pass the AppWithRequire parameter as options in the plugin, and choose the flavour to load the app, either through data-main attribute or without it.

  2. Using Backbone and ApplicationPath (Entry point of application) directly as script elements and optionally loading other dependencies.

  3. Loading a single application bundle which includes application dependencies like i.e. Backbone, Require, Underscore, Jquery etc.

NPM package

npm install --save @emtecinc/single-spa-backbone

The npm package can be found here.


Option 1: Using RequireJS with data-main

First, in the single-spa application, run npm install --save @emtec/single-spa-backbone. Then, create an entry file for application like below, assuming the application has some BasePath with AppPath and `RequireJsPath' being relative to the base path.

import singleSpaBackbone from '@emtecinc/single-spa-backbone';

const backBoneLifecycles = singleSpaBackbone({
BasePath: 'appBasePath',
IsDataMain: true,
AppPath: 'src/app',
RequireJsPath: 'lib/require.js'
DomElementSetter: domElementSetter

export const bootstrap = [

export const mount = [

export const unmount = [

function domElementSetter() {

//use the same element id to render into, in the backbone app
let el = document.getElementById('shell-container');
if (!el) {
el = document.createElement('div');
el.id = 'shell-container';


DomElementSetter gives you a provision to hook up your callback, and can be used to create a container element in the dom which will be used to load the app.

Please note that this hook up is just a setter and don't expect you to return a value. You need to explicitly use the same element #id in the backbone application to use it as app region or container.

Option 2: Using RequireJS without data-main

IsDataMain will be set to false in this case

import singleSpaBackbone from '@emtecinc/single-spa-backbone';

const backBoneLifecycles = singleSpaBackbone({
BasePath: 'appBasePath',
AppPath: 'src/app',
BackboneJsPath: 'lib/backbone.js'
DomElementSetter: domElementSetter

export const bootstrap = backBoneLifecycles.bootstrap;

export const mount = backBoneLifecycles.mount;

export const unmount = backBoneLifecycles.unmount;

function domElementSetter() {

//use the same element id to render into, in the backbone app
let el = document.getElementById('shell-container');
if (!el) {
el = document.createElement('div');
el.id = 'shell-container';


Option 3: Load Backbone app using production build

import singleSpaBackbone from '@emtecinc/single-spa-backbone';

const backBoneLifecycles = singleSpaBackbone({
BasePath: 'appBasePath',
AppPath: 'src/app'
DomElementSetter: domElementSetter

export const bootstrap = backBoneLifecycles.bootstrap;

export const mount = backBoneLifecycles.mount;

export const unmount = backBoneLifecycles.unmount;

function domElementSetter() {

//use the same element id to render into, in the backbone app
let el = document.getElementById('shell-container');
if (!el) {
el = document.createElement('div');
el.id = 'shell-container';



All options are passed to single-spa-backbone via the userOptions parameter when calling singleSpaBackbone(userOptions). The following properties are available:

  • BasePath (required) : The base path of the backbone application. Mostly it will be the public path from where the app is server and other paths will be relative to this. This parameter expects a string type. optional

  • AppWithRequire (required) : This parameter takes an object and expects below properties:

    • IsDataMain (optional) : This parameter takes a boolean value and is used to specify whether require js will use data-main to load the app.
    • AppPath (required) : This parameter takes a string value and specifies the path of JavaScript file, which is entry point of your application and will be booted up using RequireJs. The path is relative to BasePath.
    • RequireJsPath (required) : This parameter takes a string value and takes the path of the RequireJs file and is relative to BasePath.
    • DependenciesJsPaths (optional) : This is an optional parameter takes an array of strings. It can be used to optionally provide a list of JavaScript paths which you want to load in the browser.
  • AppWithBackboneJs (optional) : This parameter takes an object and expects below properties:

    • AppPath (required) : This parameter takes a string value and specifies the path of JavaScript file, which is entry point of your application and will be booted up using Backbone Js. The path is relative to BasePath.
    • BackboneJsPath (required) : This parameter takes a string value and takes the path of the Backbone Js file and is relative to BasePath.
    • DependenciesJsPaths (optional) : This is an optional parameter takes an array of strings. It can be used to optionally provide a list of JavaScript paths which you want to load in the browser.
  • App (optional) : This parameter takes an object and expects below properties:

    • AppPath (required) : This parameter takes a string value and specifies the path of the JavaScript file, which is the production build of your backbone application. The path is relative to BasePath.

Note : Out of AppWithRequire, AppWithBackboneJs and App only one is required

  • DomElementSetter (optional) : This is an optional parameter and can be mostly used to create a dom element, whose id can be later used in the backbone app to load the application. However, you can freely use this callback for any other purpose. It is called before anything else.